Sample Contracts
Contractual documentation, applications, general terms and conditions and questionnaires.
Banking services
- Framework Agreement for the Provision of Payment Services - Physical Person
- Framework Agreement for the Provision of Payment Services - Legal Entity
- Current Account Agreement to the Framework Agreement - Physical Person
- Current Account Agreement to the Framework Agreement - Legal Entity
- Fio Konto Account Agreement to the Framework Agreement - Physical Person
- Fio Konto Account Agreement to the Framework Agreement - Legal Entity
- Fio Savings Account Agreement to the Framework Agreement - Physical Person
- Fio Savings Account Agreement to the Framework Agreement - Legal Entity
- Deposit Account Agreement to the Framework Agreement - Physical Person
- Deposit Account Agreement to the Framework Agreement - Legal Entity
- Electronic Account Management Agreement - Physical Person
- Electronic Account Management Agreement - Legal Entity
- Zmluva o vydaní platobnej karty
- Formulár pre reklamáciu transakcie platobnou kartou
- Electronic Order Authorization Form - Physical Person - Internetbanking Fund Management
- Electronic Order Authorization Form - Legal Entity - Internetbanking Fund Management
- Addendum to Current Account Agreement - Set up of Current Account Sub-Accounts via Internetbanking - Physical Person
- Addendum to Current Account Agreement - Set up of Current Account Sub-Accounts via Internetbanking - Legal Entity
- Information about deposit protection
- Claims Rules
- Client Statement on Information for Payment Services - Physical Person
- Client Statement on Information for Payment Services - Legal Entity
- Terms and Conditions for Opening and Maintaining an Account - valid to 6.4.2025 for contracts concluded to 3.2.2025
- Terms and Conditions for Opening and Maintaining an Account - in relation to new contracts effective from 3.2.2025 and in relation to other contracts in effect since 7.4.2025
- Obchodné podmienky k rámcovej zmluve o poskytovaní platobných služieb - valid to 6.4.2025 for contracts concluded to 3.2.2025
- Obchodné podmienky k rámcovej zmluve o poskytovaní platobných služieb - in relation to new contracts effective from 3.2.2025 and in relation to other contracts in effect since 7.4.2025
- Terms and Conditions for Electronic Account Management - valid to 6.4.2025 for contracts concluded to 3.2.2025
- Terms and Conditions for Electronic Account Managemen - in relation to new contracts effective from 3.2.2025 and in relation to other contracts in effect since 7.4.2025
- Terms and Conditions for the provision of mortgage loans - valid for contracts concluded to 20. 3. 2016
- General Terms and Conditions for the provision of mortgage loans - valid for contracts concluded from 21. 3. 2016
- Informácie pred uzavretím zmluvy o úvere
- Obchodné podmienky pre vydávanie a používanie vlastných platobných kariet k účtom vedeným Fio bankou - valid to 6.4.2025 for contracts concluded to 3.2.2025
- Obchodné podmienky pre vydávanie a používanie vlastných platobných kariet k účtom vedeným Fio bankou -in relation to new contracts effective from 3.2.2025 and in relation to other contracts in effect since 7.4.2025
- Obchodné podmienky pre používanie služby Google Pay pre karty Fio banky
- Obchodné podmienky pre používanie služby Apple Pay pre karty Fio banky
- Obchodné podmienky pre používanie služby Garmin Pay pre karty Fio banky
- Travel Insurance
- Information on processing of personal data
- General insurance conditions
- Poistenie k platobným kartám (krádež/strata)
- Information card for legal expenses insurance - D.A.S.
- Legal expenses insurance - D.A.S.
- Request for an overdraft - an individual consumer
- Request for an overdraft - an individual entrepreneur
- Request for an overdraft - a legal entity
- Formulár o potvrdení prijmu
- Sample Power of Attorney - Physical Person
- Sample Power of Attorney - Legal Entity
- Request for a refund of an incorrect payment
Ďalšie informácie pre klientov
- Informácie pre spotrebiteľov o možnosti alternatívneho riešenia sporov
- Základný bankový produkt
- Platobný účet so základnými funkciami
Investment Services
- Rámcová zmluva - investičná - Physical Person
- Rámcová zmluva - investičná - Legal Entity
- Dodatok k Rámcovej zmluve - investičnej o stanovení autorizačného kódu - Physical Person
- Dodatok k Rámcovej zmluve - investičnej o stanovení autorizačného kódu - Legal Entity
- Súhlas s používaním finančných nástrojov - Physical Person
- Súhlas s používaním finančných nástrojov - Legal Entity
- Client Categorisation
- Investment Questionnaire
- Information about investment questionnaire
- Client confirmation of Recieving Information about Used Sevices - Physical Person
- General Contractual Terms and Conditions
- Obchodné podmienky k Rámcovej Zmluve - investičnej
- List of Currencies and Interest Rates
- Zoznam koeficientov kritickej úrovne zaistenia
- Zoznam povolených trhov
additional information
- Order Execution Strategy
- Information about the Securities Broker
- Information about Investment Instruments, Protection of Investment Instruments and Client Funds and Other Information about Trading Investment Instruments
- Information about Securities Broker Guaranteed Fund
- Claims Rules
- List of Execution Locations
- Order acceptance schedule
- Conflict of Interest Policy