Address | Dunajská 1 811 08 Bratislava |
---|---| | |
Contact for journalists | Media section |
Mortgage specialists | Contacts |
Infoline* | +421 2 2085 0411
(mo - fri 9:00 - 17:00) |
Line for card blocking* | +421 2 2085 0410 |
Broker contact (trading stocks)* |
+420 224 346 493 |
*We will be happy to answer your specific questions regarding your accounts, cards, etc. via the Fio service in our applications. In addition, you can use the authorised call option in Smartbanking.
The infoline is intended for general questions about our products and services (except for the above call from the mobile app). Questions can also be directed to our branches, see phone lines below.
Contact for dealing is for clients with a valid telephone password for trading in investment instruments (Mon - Fri 8:45 - 22:00), as well as investment clients can contact their branch.
City, address | Phone | |
Banská Bystrica |
+421 482 850 427, +421 482 850 428 | |
Bardejov |
+421 542 850 328, +421 542 850 329 | |
Bratislava |
+421 220 850 412, +421 220 850 413, +421 220 850 414, +421 220 850 415 | |
Bratislava |
+421 220 850 417, +421 220 850 418, +421 220 850 419 | |
Humenné |
+421 572 850 301, +421 572 850 302 | |
Komárno |
+421 352 850 320, +421 352 850 321 | |
Košice |
+421 552 850 430, +421 552 850 431, +421 552 850 432, +421 552 850 433, | |
Košice |
+421 552 850 438, +421 552 850 439 | |
Levice |
+421 362 850 301, +421 362 850 302 | |
Liptovský Mikuláš |
+421 442 850 421, +421 442 850 422 | |
Lučenec |
+421 472 850 312, +421 472 850 313 | |
Martin |
+421 432 850 326, +421 432 850 327 | |
Michalovce |
+421 562 850 314, +421 562 850 315 | |
Nitra |
+421 372 850 434, +421 372 850 435 | |
Nové Zámky |
+421 352 850 306, +421 352 850 307 | |
Piešťany |
+421 332 850 425, +421 332 850 426 | |
Poprad |
+421 522 850 424, +421 522 850 425 | |
Považská Bystrica |
+421 422 850 300, +421 422 850 301 | |
Prešov |
+421 512 850 300, +421 512 850 301 | |
Prievidza |
+421 462 850 308, +421 462 850 309 | |
Rožňava |
+421 552 850 312, +421 552 850 313 | |
Ružomberok |
+421 442 850 425, +421 442 850 426 | |
Spišská Nová Ves |
+421 522 850 421, +421 522 850 422 | |
Topoľčany |
+421 382 850 300, +421 382 850 301 | |
Trenčín |
+421 322 850 303, +421 322 850 304 | |
Trnava |
+421 332 850 420, +421 332 850 421, +421 332 850 422 | |
Žilina |
+421 412 850 431, +421 412 850 432, +421 412 850 433 | |
Košice - (bankomat aj vkladomat) |
mapa | 48°43'5.363"N, 21°15'31.985"E |
Michalovce - (bankomat aj vkladomat) |
mapa | 48°45'18.9"N, 21°54'57.4"E |
Rožňava - (bankomat aj vkladomat) |
mapa | 48°39'36"N, 20°31'55"E |
Spišská Nová Ves - (bankomat aj vkladomat) |
mapa | 48°56'38.6"N, 20°33'57.4"E |
Bank connection (checking, savings, deposit and trading accounts)
Payments in EUR with banks in the Slovak Republic and the SEPA space.
For payments in EUR within the Slovak Republic and the SEPA space, please, state your account number in IBAN SK** 8330 0000 00 ** **** **** while BIC / SWIFT bank code is not necessary.
Payments in foreign currencies in the Slovak Republic and foreign payments
Fio banka, a.s., a subsidiary of a foreign bank is a participant in the international clearing system SWIFT and clearing system Target2 .
For payments, please, state your account number in IBAN SK** 8330 0000 00 ** **** **** and BIC / SWIFT bank code FIOZSKBAXXX.
For some highly standardized types of international payments is using of the number of the destination account in IBAN mandatory (eg. SEPA payments). However, there are payment systems that entering the number of the destination account in IBAN format do not support; in which case the account number should be entered in the format of last 10 digits of the IBAN and for such payment it is usually required additional identifying information on the institution managing destination account. This additional identification information is for all payments directed to Fio banka, a.s., a subsidiary of a foreign bank as follows:
Fio banka, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky, Dunajská 1, Bratislava, 811 08, Slovak Republic (SK).
Bank account number can be found in the InternetBanking, SmartBanking, or in the contracts.
Trading account number can be found in Global Settings of e-Broker application, or in contracts.