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Fio Mortgage

Are you looking for a larger flat or family home, or are you looking for an improvement, to invest in the future for your children or to finally get out and live by yourself? There are many reasons to take advantage of a Fio Mortgage. Convince yourself of all the things we can help you with.

Mortgages provide EU citizens or EFTA, who have the SR permanent or temporary residence, and their income is generated in the Slovak Republic. Temporary residence shall be at least one year. A citizen of another country must have a permanent residence in Slovakia for a minimum period of 1 year and his income must be generated in the SR.

Why a Fio mortgage?

  • No fees for loan origination, current and loan account administration, reserving funds or for drawing funds.
  • Discount of 0,4 % applies to refinancing mortgages up to 70 % loan-to-value with incident free customer´s credit history
  • You also can select additional services with a mortgage including free early payments or the Mortgage Savings Account.
  • You can check current interest rates here.

Reduce your interest to 0% and pay less each month

Do you have savings of at least EUR 2 000? Let them reduce your interest and thus monthly mortgage payments. Your money is available at any time, and you can save money every month.

Deposit your free funds (minimum EUR 2 000) on the Hyposavings account, which is completely free, and we will not charge you any interest on the principal amount corresponding to your current Hyposavings account balance.

If your balance on the Hyposavings account is equal to the principal of the mortgage for the whole period of its repayment your interest rate will be 0% per annum and you will only repay the principal. Thus, you will not pay any charges at all. Your savings will still be available and you can freely dispose of them, even withdraw all the balance any time.

Exceptional instalment

Our mortgage can be repaid prematurely at any time without any fees and penalties (except for loan refinancing from another bank). It is up to you how often you will make extraordinary payments and how much this extraordinary instalment will be. You can even repay prematurely the entire loan with your own funds for free.



Mortgage amount from 40 000 EUR to 40 000 EUR
Refinancing 3,58 % 3,68 %
Purchase 3,68 % 3,78 %
Other 3,98 % 4,08 %

Guaranteed rates are valid for loans up to 80 % of the value of the property and assuming all conditions for discounts are fulfilled. Rates with more than 1 year fixation can be found out through our Mortgage calculator.


Mortgage calculator


American mortgage

Would you like to borrow money and you own the property that you could use as collateral? If so, take advantage of American mortgage. The borrowed money can be used for any purpose, such as reconstruction or purchase of a new car.

If you are interested in American mortgage, please, contact any of our mortgage specialists.

Product description and parameters

  • Financed real estate: a flat, family home, recreation building, studio, apartment building with up to 3 units and building lots intended for residential construction.
  • Loan limits: from 10 000 EUR
  • Maximum loan amount: 85 % of the total value of the real estate.
  • Term: 5 - 30 years
  • Fixed interest rate term 1, 3, and 5 years.
  • Up to 3 debtors (in addition to loan applicant).


  1. To buy finished or under construction real estate (purchase price, auction fee, price difference in an exchange).
  2. To settle co-ownership (including on behalf of a spouse) of real estate.
  3. To refinance a mortgage provided by another financial institution.
  4. To pay a membership stake in a flat-owners' association, transfer of membership in a flat-owners' association.
  5. Opportunity to obtain up to 20% loan without documenting the purpose


Employment income verification (EN)

Bescheinigung über die Höhe des Arbeitseinkommens (DE)

Potvrdenie o výške pracovného príjmu


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