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Do you need help with Internetbanking? Do you need advice on how some things work? Maybe you can find the answer to your question below:

What to do in case of lost password or blocked account?

1. You have five attempts to enter your password while logging in the application. If the access is denied, please check whether you use a Slovak or English version of the keyboard and whether you are in the correct mode of writing capital letters (e.g. whether the "Caps Lock" key is not accidentally activated) or whether the numeric keypad ("Num Lock" key) is activated.

If you are still unable to enter the correct password, your access will be suspended for the day. This status is indicated by the message "Access blocked". After expiry of the blocking period you may try to sign in again. It is not possible to cancel or shorten the blocking period in any way.

If you have forgotten your password completely, visit any branch of Fio banka and ask them to issue a replacement password. Click here to find contacts of individual branches.

Caution: In the interest of the highest degree of account security it is not possible to get a replacement password by any other means than a personal visit to one of the branches.


How to use search in Internetbanking?

You can use the advanced search to search for required information by using more parameters than in standard search. The advanced search allows you to refine your search results according to the text, or the amount of the source account, target account, bank, currency code and variable symbol. It is also possible to specify the time period and range of amounts.


In advanced search, you may use the following special characters:

  • + the search result must contain the word mentioned after the + symbol
  • the search result must not contain the word mentioned after the symbol
  • " " phrase in " " must be contained in the search result
  • AND or && show items containing both words
  • OR or || show items containing one of several words
  • NOT or ! show items not containing the phrase mentioned after NOT or !


You may also use the following wildcard characters:

? the character used to replace a single character (e.g. a search 201?- lists years 2010-2019)

the * character is used to replace one or more characters


How to enter a payment to a foreign country?

When making a payment to a foreign country it is usually required to enter more data than for domestic payments.

You need to identify the beneficiary's bank by a BIC/SWIFT code. This 11-figure code uniquely identifies the bank. If the payee has provided only the eight-digit code, then usually you may just add three X letters at the end of the code.

If the US bank has not a dedicated BIC but only has an ABA routing number then, when the payment is made, enter the text "ABAROUTING" in the "BIC code/SWIFT" field and enter the ABA routing number preferably with the name of the target bank to the "Message for payee 1" field. Without providing this information the payment cannot be properly processed. However, if the US bank is connected to SWIFT, you cannot enter a payment only by indicating the ABA.


You have to choose how payment fees will be paid:

  • "Payer pays all(OUR)" – all fees are paid by you as the payer according to the price list of Fio banka, including the fees of the beneficiary bank and other intermediary banks. The payee will not pay any fees
  • "Payee pays all(BEN)" – all fees shall be paid by the recipient of the payment (payee). You do not pay any fees
  • "Each side pays to his bank(SHA)" – you pay fees according to the price list of Fio banka, the recipient pays the fees of their bank or other intermediary banks

In some cases, intermediary bank charges are deducted from the amount transferred, so the recipient may receive the payment less the fee. For transfers in the currencies within the EU/EEA countries it is only possible to select "each their own bank".


Furthermore, it is necessary to provide full details of the payee. You must not use accents and the following characters: * : ? ! " _ % ^ $ # @ ~ = + Commas separating words, full stops, slashes and dashes may be used in the text.

If the data is too long to fit in the specified field, then continue in the following field (in the order: Name of beneficiary (recipient) ->; Street of beneficiary ->; City of beneficiary ->; Information for beneficiary).

In case of an incomplete or incorrectly specified name of beneficiary the bank may reject the payment and return it to you, which may result in additional costs.

How to cancel a term deposit (TVO) or transfer money from the TVO as of recovery date?

In the Internetbanking the term deposit may only be cancelled as of the renewal (recovery) date. This date will be searched automatically and if it falls on today, the account will be cancelled immediately.

To cancel your account, see the "Account Information". Before submitting the instruction to cancel an account, first check and if necessary adjust the "Balance Disposal Request". After the cancellation the balance disposal request can no longer be amended.

To cancel the TVO at any other time except the renewal date an extraordinary account termination must be filed. In this case, please contact any branch.

If you want to provide instruction to transfer funds from the TVO, a minimum remaining account balance (CZK 3,000//EUR 100/USD 100) must be kept on the account. The money can only be transferred by money order with the maturity date corresponding to the renewal date of TVO (you can find this date on the Account information page), otherwise the transfer will be rejected.

Did you not receive a push notification when authorizing the transaction?

If you do not receive a push notification when authorizing the transaction (a notification displayed directly on the mobile screen, which will take you to the mobile application after clicking), you can confirm the order without it - log in to Smartbanking, where you can see the instruction waiting for confirmation and click to approve.

When confirming an order submitted from Internetbanking, you can also select the option "resend" next to the text "Did you not receive a push notification?" At the bottom of the form.

If you don't see push notifications repeatedly, please make sure you haven´t turned them off:

    • Android: Open your phone's settings, select Fio banka from the Applications menu. In the Notifications section, turn on the Show notifications option, or use the checkboxes to select which types of notifications you want to allow (authorization push notifications can be found under "3D Secure" for card payments on the Internet and "Instructions" for instructions entered in IB).
    • iOS: Open your phone's settings, select the Fio banka application in the Notifications section and use the Enable notifications option.

Note: The names of menu items may differ slightly depending on the phone type.

      You need an internet connection to use push notifications (just like when using Smartbanking). If you are out of range of the Internet connection, you can use the backup method of authorization via SMS or offline authorization with a QR code when confirming instructions from Internetbanking (you will find these options again at the bottom of the instruction).
    If the authorization method does not suit you, you can change it in the Internetbanking and Smartbanking settings.


If you did not find the answer to your question, write to us through Fio servis from your Internetbanking and we shall answer your questions. For more frequently asked questions, see the FAQ.


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