Written about us
Fio and its products are frequently mentioned in the articles of the best known dailies, magazines and web servers. Below we have selected a few of those articles with a short overview of the important events and developments at Fio in the last years.
Fio analysts regularly provide commentary on what is happening in the economy.
You may have seen Fio on websites, in newspapers and magazines as well as on the TV as its brokers and analysts provide regular daily commentary for the stock market on the Studio Burza ČT24 program and also appear on other programs an on the radio. Here is a selection of articles for you:
Fio banka analysts regularly provide commentary on what is happening in the economy.
- SITA: K refinancovaniu hypotéky klientov motivuje podľa prieskumu najmä nižšia úroková sadzba
- Nový Čas: Slovákom najviac prekáža zvyšovanie poplatkov
- Dnes24.sk: Banky dvíhajú ceny: Nerobte tieto CHYBY a ušetrite na poplatkoch desiatky eur
- SITA: Slováci najčastejšie menia banku, keď zvýši poplatky
- Trend: Banka ponúka pandemický odklad splátok aj zadarmo
- Zive.aktuality.sk: Ďalšia banka v SR počas tohto roka spustí Garmin Pay a Fitbit Pay
- Pravda.sk: Aké účty pre podnikateľov ponúkajú banky